FCDO Services »About us »Trusted supplier: our accreditations

Trusted supplier: our accreditations

Learn about the international standards we follow and abide by

FCDO Services aims to be a world-class provider of secure government support services across the globe. We are committed to achieving the highest levels of standards for our customers.

To demonstrate this, we’re certified under specific ISO Standards that are internationally recognised.

We are regularly audited on our performance against these by the BSI (British Standards Institute). Discover more about the standards we comply with below.

This assures you that we are following global best practice, while continuing to develop and improve our organisation for the future.

You can be confident that our products and services are safe and secure, while being reliable and of good quality.

ISO/IEC 20000-1 Service Management

This standard helps ensure we efficiently deliver quality IT service management to you and your organisation. It also means our services are resilient, even in today’s changing service delivery environment.

» Discover more about ISO/IEC 20000-1

BSI ISO IEC 20000-1 Service Management Certified FCDO Services ITMS 669944

ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems

Our organisation follows the globally recognised standard for quality management. We’ve put in place effective processes to ensure you have confidence in the quality of the services and products we provide you – now and into the future.

» Discover more about ISO 9001

BSI ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems Certified FCDO Services FS 569603

ISO/IEC 27001:2022 Information Security Management

This standard enables us to effectively manage cyber risks for us and our customers. We’ve put in place tools to be address and monitor these, while proactively improving our cyber-resilience and operational excellence.

» Discover more about ISO/IEC 27001

BSI ISO IEC 27001 Information Security Management Certified FCDO Services IS 690213

ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management

We follow a recognised framework to manage and control our health and safety risks. We’re committed to delivering and improving the way we delivery our services and products for you, to ensure we do it in the safest way possible.

» Discover more about ISO 45001

BSI ISO 45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management Certified FCDO Services OHS 774564

ISO 22301 Business Continuity Management

This standard ensures we’re able to effectively manage, and quickly respond to any unexpected and disruptive incidents that may affect our service to you.

» Discover more about ISO 22301

BSI ISO 22301 Business Continuity Management Certified FCDO Services BCMS 570215