FCDO Services »UK NACE


The UK National Authority for Counter-Eavesdropping

The UK’s national authority in protecting technical security

We provide guidance and operational support to the UK government and Friendly Foreign Governments. We have decades of experience in detecting and protecting against technical espionage and attacks.

We provide technical security support for the UK government, UK armed forces, law enforcement and critical national infrastructure (CNI). We do this in three ways:

  • identify and counter latest technical threats
  • policy and advice (as the UK’s National Technical Authority (NTA) for technical security)
  • operational work

Policy, advice and research

As one of the UK’s three NTAs, we lead the technical security profession across government. We:

  • give expert advice to government partners
  • develop the standards for government technical security
  • provide training and mentoring to national and international partners
  • carry out research and development of new threats and countermeasure technologies

To help protect the UK, we work closely with the two other NTAs: the National Protective Security Authority (NPSA)  and the National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) .

UK NACE Operations

We provide a range of specialist security expertise for the UK government and others, both in the UK and overseas.

Our aim is to ensure our most sensitive, classified areas within the UK government estate are protected. Our services include:

  • vulnerability analysis
  • inspections
  • defensive monitoring
  • construction security
  • installations
  • support for UK government at national and international conferences

More about us

  • Operations

    We protect against technical espionage and prevent organisations’ information and buildings from compromise

  • Research and development

    We carry out research and development of new threats and countermeasures technologies